High Blood Pressure

The latest debate on defining the “high” in high blood pressure started a few months ago when the Annals of Internal Medicine released recommendations by the American College of Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Much to everyone’s surprise the guidelines were higher than ever for patients ages 60 and older. Medical Assistants and Nursing Assistants: here are three simple tips to be mindful of if your blood pressure is at or above the 140mm/90 Hg range:
  1. Speak with your doctor – consult your doctor about what he suggests and what necessary steps to take before needing to resort to medication
  2. Monitor blood pressure – regularly measure your blood pressure as it can change daily
  3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle – this can be accomplished by eating a well-balanced low sodium diet, exercise regularly, avoid tobacco, limit alcohol use and try to reduce stress
Remember that everyone is different, so there is not one set number that applies to every individual. Lifestyle and health history are a huge factor and greatly influence heart health. Make sure to partner with your doctor to ensure that you are on track and being monitored properly. Allen School of Health Sciences students: what have you learned during your studies about blood pressure and how to manage it? If you would like to read more about the blood pressure guidelines and how to manage it click here.

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