Leaving a Nursing or Medical Assistant Job? Don’t Say These Things!

LoudWe’ve done a lot of writing here at the Allen School blog about what to say and what not to say when looking for a job.  So in the interest of change, we’re taking this opportunity to look at it from the other side of the equation.

Having earned your certification as a medical assistant or nursing assistant, you hold a credential that makes you a sought-after human resource.  We’ve frequently covered the stories from Bureau of Labor statistics and other sources confirming that the healthcare industry is poised to continue growing and that nursing assistants are in high demand.  As a result of all the available opportunities, it is likely that you may be moving from job to job as better opportunities arise and as your experience level grows.  Or perhaps as happens to everyone from time to time, you wind up in an employment situation where you’re at odds with management or co-workers.

Whatever the reason for leaving a position, there are some things you must avoid saying in spite of the fact that they may feel natural to say.   Even positive things like, “I am so excited about my new job” or “No thanks, I don’t need any help” can be as damaging as saying negative things like, “This place is a sinking ship” or “I’d never dream of working here again”.

Business Insider’s Jaqueline Smith’s article, “12 Things you Should Never Say on your Last Day of Work” lists all the things – positive and negative – that human nature urges us to utter on our final day at a job.  Read it and file the wisdom away for the future.  After all, your career as a medical assistant will likely take you through numerous positions over the year. Knowing what to say at the end of an engagement is often exquisitely tied to the beginning of another.

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