Nursing Assistants Working Overtime During National Heatwave

From KTLA-TV in Los Angeles to in the City of Brotherly Love and just about everywhere else in between (including NYC), the heat continues to be unbearable.  Those in the Northeast are also stricken with high humidity.  This is why media reports from every corner of the nation tell of healthcare providers – especially emergency room workers and the certified nursing assistants supporting them – dealing with long, busy hours on the job. Despite the numerous cooling centers that have been set up in urban areas and the packed public pools and lakes in the suburbs, the overwhelming heat that has been gripping the country shows no signs of breaking.  Certified nursing assistants are helping people overcome dehydration, heat exhaustion, sunstroke, severe sunburns and a host of other issues.  For the elderly and immune compromised, the heat can be the catalyst for larger health issues putting stress on cardiovascular systems.  Being in the medical field as a certified nurse assistant, or studying to attain a certified nursing assistant degree during times of increased demand for trained healthcare professionals should remind us all how important this work is and why we all decided to make our careers in this field. Sometimes being a CNA entails working in unorthodox and interesting environs.  Consider these doctors, nurses and certified nurse assistants helping tend to those succumbing to the wicked heat at an annual Civil War re-enactment near Gettysburg.  I am sure they’ll have some “war stories” of their own to tell.

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