Success in School & Positive Thinking

Can you really change your life just by thinking positive thoughts? Is this some sort of hipster feel-good stuff that has no concept of reality? Unfortunately, that seems to be the attitude of a lot of people. The truth, though, is this: “The mind is everything. What you think, you become.”– The Buddha And it’s not just “what” you think but “how” you think! But since the human condition seems to be one of “seeing is believing,” we allow the “obvious” (the negativity) to dominate our thoughts… and attract more of the same. What we don’t do, for the most part, is increase our positive thinking to the point where “believing is seeing”. Look at the people in your life, and then look at yourself as objectively as you can. Do you (all or most people you know, including yourself) believe your lives are at the mercy of external influences like bosses, the economy, family obligations, educational opportunities, financial status, etc.? Do you believe, “what’s the use, no matter how hard I try, nothing ever changes”? Do you see life as a struggle? Do you find yourself blaming, complaining or condemning? If you said “yes” to any of these – even on some level – you’re not alone. Now look at some people you admire, the ones who seem to have it all. Not necessarily the ones with the most status because of money and power. There are plenty who fall in that category who are miserable. I’m talking about the people who live their lives like you wish you could live yours. That’s why you’re noticing them. They’re on your radar to show you that you can live that life too! So, what’s the difference between them and everybody else? It’s NOT family fortunes, great education or luck. Some of the world’s most influential people were born into the most unfortunate poverty and had all sorts of obstacles to overcome! So there has to be an internal factor at play here. The difference is the quality of their thoughts. They choose to think positively. They choose to think in terms of what can be accomplished, not what can’t be done. In terms of possibility, not limits. What they think about comes about… same as you. Same as everyone else. It’s all a matter of your thoughts. The happy, positive, successful people choose to see beauty and thankfulness in everything. They see the silver lining and the opportunities. They don’t allow external influences to disrupt their sense of well-being. And you know what? The more positively they think, the more they attract the good things they want in life. What if you were to start seeing the positive lessons in everything, and the best in all people? What if you were to realize that your happiness does not depend on anything but your decision to be happy? What if you said to yourself, “I don’t have to allow this to bring me down? I can deal with this situation in a spirit of optimism and joy of living?” You do – if you choose to! The successful people in life have the responsibilities and obligations, but somehow, things all fall into place for them, because positive thinking determines the direction of their lives. Would you rather be around people who are happy and inspiring, or people who talk doom and gloom? Remember, like attracts like…And the people whose negativity surrounds them, aren’t getting the most out of life. Life truly is what you make it. Make it positive!  Contact the Allen School today! We are enrolling now for our spring classes and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit to learn more.   -Allen School

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