Medical Assistant Interview Tips from Allen School Phoenix

Interviewing can make even the most confident of professionals nervous. It is a natural part of the interview process, and in fact, employers in Phoenix understand you will be nervous because it shows that you are really interested in the opportunity. Here are some easy ways to ensure your interview anxiety will not affect your interview!

Be Prepared

Proper preparation prevents poor performance! Proper research before an interview is one of the most important steps in your preparation. Researching the company, job opportunity available, and other key factors about the position will allow you to anticipate questions you may get on the interview and tailor your answers to the company you are interviewing with, which will make a strong impression on the hiring manager. Where can you look? Check out the company’s website if one is available, talk to other employees that work there already, read recent industry related information about the specialty of the doctor. There are a lot of suitable places in Phoenix to get information very easily.

What is the worst that could happen?

Sometimes just thinking of the worst possible outcome, and realizing it is not all that bad, will allow you to relax a bit when you go into the interview. Realizing that even if you don’t get the job, you can continue to apply for additional opportunities, may make you realize that if your nerves get the best of you, you can learn from your mistakes and do better the next interview.


Deep breaths are a wonderful way to vanquish negative feelings and return to the present moment. Taking just 30 deep breaths will change your shallow and nervous breaths into long confident ones.

Positive Visualization

Visualizing the potential positive outcomes of your situation may make you more confident and comfortable with handling that situation. Think about how you will feel if you leave that interview knowing that you answered all the questions as well as you could!

Are you ready to start working toward a career in healthcare? Contact the Allen School Phoenix Campus today! We are enrolling now for classes starting soon and cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School Family. Visit to learn more.

-Allen School

Article updated July 2024

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