A lot has changed in the last month. In March, preventative measures aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus halted daily life around the world. At least one third of the global population is under some sort of restriction, most Americans are under stay-at-home orders and at least 46 states and Washington, D.C., have closed non – essential businesses.
Needless to say, people are spending most of their days inside, alone or with family. Trying to stay healthy during these uncertain times. Below are some activities for your time spent in isolation.
Plant or Garden.
If you have a yard, why not plant some flowers or even fruits or vegetables? If you don’t have a yard, look into potted plants or indoor gardens! Get creative!
Read long books.
Now that our social life is on hold, we can dive into some of the biggest books that have intimidated us for years. Suddenly, losing yourself in a good book is not a bad idea !, Do you have a favorite book? Let us know and we will share your suggestion on our Instagram and Facebook pages. (https://www.facebook.com/AllenSchool/ ). (https://www.instagram.com/allen_school/ )
Do 15-minute daily meditations and keep a journal.
In times like these, it’s easy to focus on negative things. Dedicating just 15 minutes a day to sit down, breath, stay present, and aware of yourself and your surroundings will give you clarity. The simple, but the often hard act of sitting down is so important right now. Challenge yourself to try it for just a minute or so, and get your thoughts down on paper before and after, to see what you notice.
Create mini-goals.
Create mini-goals each week to establish a sense of achievement, despite the uncontrollable circumstances. These goals can include completing a stretching routine or a new workout; reading a book; journaling; teaching kids how to change the oil in the car; or gardening. At the beginning of the week, create a list of 4–5 things to do that week. And, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t complete them all — the focus right now is to carve out five, 10 or 20 minutes for yourself, no matter what that looks like.
While we are trying to conserve during this pandemic, it’s important to get creative in making things last. Aside from separating recyclables from garbage, why not go further? If you have an empty sauce jar, for example, why not re-use it as a vase, a drinking glass, or an arts and crafts holder/project for kids.. Food scraps- instead of throwing them out, try and add them to a new meal OR use them to feed the birds! Old clothes- since there is a high demand for masks right now, why not look into sewing your own with old clothing you have around the house/apt? Get creative!
Stay connected with your loved ones.
In our busy world, it can be hard to stay connected with friends and family. Make a point to connect with loved ones even more than before, as a way to keep yours and their spirits up! Social interaction is one way to find happiness. Staying connected is key to remembering that you’re not alone during this time of social distancing. We live in the age of digital connection — there are so many great ways to stay in touch with others virtually. Give your family and friends a call today!!
In order to protect our community during the COVID-19 crisis, The Allen School of Health Sciences is offering virtual campus tours for enrollment of our upcoming classes. Contact the Allen School today! We cannot wait for you to become part of the Allen School family. Visit www.allenschool.edu to learn more.