In an article published in Fortune magazine, David Cruickshank, global chairman of consulting firm Deloitte was quoted as saying, “While pay is important, it’s clear that millennials won’t stay with companies for money alone”. By all accounts, the millennial generation worker – born between 1982 and 2004 – is characterized by a pronounced focus on how their career function aligns with their personal values. In short, millennials favor working in roles that are not simply just a means to an end (a paycheck for example). Rather, they place a very high value on how well the work they’re engaged in comports with their personal outlook on life.
Again, from the Fortune article quoting Cruickshank, “Personal values have the greatest influence on millennials’ decision-making on the job,” noting that 61% of “senior millennials”—those with higher-ranking job titles—have chosen not to undertake a task at work because it conflicted with their values. It is clear that the positions sought by millennial workers must hold some allure beyond simply title and salary levels. The younger generation wishes to find deeper meaning within the time they invest in their careers; much more so than older generations of workers like Gen X and the Baby Boomers.
It is for this reason that millennials seem naturally predisposed to taking medical assistant training courses with the Allen School. After all, there is a great deal of personal satisfaction that comes with both completing medical assistant training courses and working in the field of medicine, helping people to gain and retain good health. Working alongside physicians in a clinical setting, there is an enormous opportunity for gratification in one’s career, seeing firsthand how the efforts put forth by a medical assistant translate into positive results for the patients they serve. Helping parents provide comfort to sick children; helping the elderly maintain a more healthy quality of life; and helping people of all ages to get well and back to their day-to-day activities are all examples of how a medical assistant provides tangible, positive benefits to the people they serve and interact with on the job every single day.
If you’re a millennial-age individual with a penchant for public health and a desire to effectuate positive change in your community, you should investigate the options for medical assistant training courses with the Allen School. To borrow a line from US Armed Services marketing, a medical assistant is the toughest job you’ll ever love. Inquire today to learn more about a career path leading towards a mentally, spiritually, and yes, financially rewarding career in the healthcare field.
Article updated July 2024