Everyone knows studying to earn your nursing assistant certification or your degree in medical assisting requires a good deal of effort and work to accomplish. After all, they’re not giving away excellent jobs with solid long-term prospects to any old untrained fool. And speaking of untrained fools, America’s favorite untrained nuclear power plant safety officer, Homer Simpson is going to be on the FXX channel for two full weeks.
Yes, you overworked healthcare training school students, you heard it here first. Beginning tomorrow, Thursday, the FXX channel will be running every, single Simpsons episode ever – back to back. Being the longest running show on TV by a wide margin, this means Simpsons fans will be treated to two full weeks of round the clock Simpsons episodes which amounts to one heck of a tool for procrastination.
Now I am not advocating that any Allen School students drop off the grid for two weeks to audit them all. You do and you may wind up as good at your medical industry job as Doctor Hibbert (or worse, Doctor Nick)! However, I think all the hard work you’re doing has earned you some good, old fashioned, mindless Simpsons fun. Also, just for fun, share your favorite Simpsons scene in the comments below.
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