There has been a lot of talk lately about the relevance (or perhaps the lack thereof) of the resume as a tool for job searching. The recent discussion centers around the idea that the automation of human resources and recruiting functions – along with the prevalence of online career sites – has rendered the lowly, paper-based resume irrelevant. It wouldn’t be a stretch to assume this were true; but is it?
If you’re a graduate of the Allen School’s
medical billing programs online (or any of the ground school programs too like
nursing assistant education) you have some solid educational credentials to display. Whether you’re just hitting the job market as a freshly minted graduate, or you’ve been leveraging your degree for years and are seeking the next position along your career path, you should know that the venerable old resume is still very much a part of the process of landing a job.
However, things have indeed changed with respect to how recruiters and HR people do their jobs. The role of the resume has indeed undergone something of a change. Whereas it used to be the first line of attack to get you in the door, today, that function has been taken over by online processes.
LinkedIn profiles, job boards like Monster.com and many other services have become the first line of attack to get a recruiter or HR person interested. However, once you’ve landed that initial interview, it is absolutely imperative that one has a solid, paper resume to hand to the interviewer.
If you’re not up to speed on the “new normal” for job hunting in the Internet age and the new role for the resume, you should
check out this good article from Yahoo on this very subject.