Wii Fit. For Real?

Who Beat Who? Well, I am a little late to the blog this morning because I have sore shoulders and elbows.  I owe this soreness to the time I spent at the Wii Sports Resort over the weekend.  We purchased Wii for our son this Christmas and it tripped my video game circuit which, while hardwired into every little boy, often switches off after about age 16 (right around the same time the driver’s license/girls circuit switches on).  Particularly, I found it viscerally gratifying to beat my video opponent mercilessly in Wii Boxing.  After about 12 fights of three rounds each, I collapsed with heavy arms and a good sweat worked up, back onto the couch.   Today, I am suuuuper sore.  But is it really exercise?  Follow over the jump for a report that answers the question. Continue reading…