How lucky you are to be entering into such an exciting field? The field of medicine has made significant advances in the last 100 years. Quantum advances. Advances that would have been scoffed at as flights of science fiction fancy by medical contemporaries in 1911. Case in point, Mitch Hunter, a man whose face was dramatically disfigured in a car accident. At age 30, he has successfully undergone a face transplant. (No, not a face plant like this old blogger makes when trying to ride his 6 year old’s skateboard!) I’m talking about an actual face transplant. Only the seventh successful such surgery in the world.
Click here to read more about this fantastic medical advancement and be stoked to be training in a career field that holds such enormous potential for good.
It is truely remakable how far medicine has come. And fascinating to know that the possiblities are endless.