Top Recession-Proof Healthcare Careers at Allen School

Number OneWe continue to be un-surprised by report after report confirming what Allen School Online students already know – that jobs serving the healthcare fields are never in short supply.  This is probably one of the main determinants that factored into your decision to pursue an Allen School Online diploma.  True to form, the latest report, courtesy of confirms that indeed, healthcare industry jobs top the list of safest, most recession-proof jobs.

Can You Describe an Instance Where You Screwed Up at School or Work?

Healthcare Field Job InterviewThis is the very type of loaded question interviewers are increasingly asking of candidates for job positions.  Ah, how quaint seem the days when they used to ask you about your 3 top strengths and weaknesses.  Listen, the job market is more competitive now than it has ever been.  Hiring managers are forced to sort though thousands of candidates before making the best choice and they are getting more pointed in the questions they’re asking.  They just don’t have the time to beat around the bush and with so many in line for the available jobs, they feel emboldened to ask more penetrating questions.  Questions like: “What bugs you about your co-workers or your current boss?”  or “If you’re currently employed, how do you have time to make this interview?”  They’re fishing for answers that shed light on how you’d be as an employee.  Forbes magazine put out a list of ten new and interesting interview questions used by hiring managers, what they’re really asking and how to best answer them.  Click here to read it before you head out to your next job interview.  You’ll be glad you did!

Privacy Concerns When Submitting Online Applications For Employment

Sooner or later, most people will have to apply for a job online. The number of employers who utilize the online application method to find the best people continues to grow. Some people feel that the online application process limits their ability to showcase particular skills and stand apart from the competition. It really does not have to be that way.  Here are some suggestions on  how to use the electronic application process in an effective manner. Continue reading…

Gift Yourself a Job for the Holidays – Step Up Job Search

While Others Bake Holiday Cookies, Your Job Hunting Chances Improve

If you buy into the myth that holiday job searching is a waste of time, you are losing one of the better job searching seasons of the year. During this holiday job searching season, you enjoy reduced competition for jobs, easier access to decision makers who are actually in the office, and the opportunity to help people spend their budgets before year end. has an article up explaining exactly why job seekers should NOT take a few weeks off for holiday merriment.  Click here to read the story.

New Healthcare Law Requires Chain Restaurants to Post Calorie Counts

Healthcare Law Requires Fast Food Calorie ListingAccording to a report by the Associated Press: WASHINGTON – A requirement tucked into the massive U.S health care bill will make calorie counts impossible for thousands of restaurants to hide and difficult for consumers to ignore. More than 200,000 fast food and other chain restaurants will have to include calorie counts on menus, menu boards and even drive-throughs.  Read the whole article here. It may be a bit onerous for these restaurants to have to do this, but if you’ve ever seen those popular “Eat This, Not That” books and website, you know that often, seemingly “healthy” menu items can be worse than things that have a reputation for being “bad for you”.   In this blogger’s opinion, this step is a positive one because it will help American’s make more informed choices about what they eat.  Dietary choices are behind so many of the leading illnesses in our society from obesity to cancer.  The more info we have as a society, the better off we will be as we choose what to eat.

HHS Dept Commissioned Study Says Regular Mammograms Only Needed After 50

mammogramSweeping new U.S. breast cancer screening guidelines are calling for an end to routine mammograms for women in their 40s and for women 50 to 74 they suggest a mammogram every other year.  This controversial new guideline was handed down by the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF),  a group of nongovernmental experts convened by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to review published literature and develop recommendations for the use of clinical preventive services.   Coming on the heels of the controversial Stupak Amendment limiting coverage for abortions that was inserted into the House healthcare bill in the eleventh hour at the behest of Catholic Cardinals, this new guideline seems to many to be a part of a broader campaign to hack away at hard-won women’s rights. Continue reading…

Front Page News (Again!)

Seems like a day doesn’t go by where I wake up an fail to see a story on the front page of some news outlet hawking the good news about jobs in the medical billing and coding field.  Today, of course, was no exception.  Upon logging on this morning, I saw the story linked here entitled, “Six Careers That Are Built to Last” penned by Christine Trang.  I will give our regular readers here at the Allen School Online Blog one guess as to which career field was sitting atop this list?  If you guessed “medical and health services manager” give yourself a cookie, or whatever your favorite reward is for being so smart.  Yes indeedy, it comes as no surprise that people studying medical billing and coding or medical office assistance are positioned well to enter a field that just continues to grow and that is exceptionally stable in an economic environment that is anything but.  So keep up the studies y’all.  You’re on the right track and it is validated each day in the media.

Yet Another Reason to Study at Allen School Online

A team of Swedish researchers recently concluded that people who studied more actually lived longer than those who studied less.  As if you needed any further confirmation of the benefits you’re creating for yourself by being a student of medical billing and coding at Allen School Online.  Evidently, according to the research which you can read more about here, those who studied more were the beneficiaries of an improved outlook on life.  This in turn, leads to a more intent focus on taking care of one’s self and supposedly adds years to your life.  This aligns nicely with anecdotal evidence that shows those who study medical office assistant or billing and coding at Allen School Online are able to find gainful employment and improve their overall standard of living.  Surely, a good job, with better pay and benefits has a positive overall effect on one’s health and well-being.  So if you needed another reason to study hard, here you go!  You can thank me later!

You Can Do This!

If you’re just starting out in your studies of medical billing and coding or medical office assistant with the Allen School Online, you may be feeling like it is a challenge you cannot overcome.  Perhaps you decided to make a career change in mid-life and this new career path seems daunting.  Well, the following story ought to serve to inspire you and make you feel that with enough determination, anything is possible.  Take it from a 6-year-old who raised more than $10,000 to help his cancer-stricken father.  You can do this!

Medical Office Attire Around the World

Not entirely relevant to the topic of medical billing and coding or medical assistant training, however, I thought it was pretty interesting to see the different sartorial practices of medical office professionals in different countries around the world.  This article in one of my very most favorite geeky blogsites, published this image of a comparison between nursing/medical office attire from different lands.  What do you think?  Makes Spongebob themed scrubs seem strange in retrospect.