According to a report by the Associated Press:
WASHINGTON – A requirement tucked into the massive U.S health care bill will make calorie counts impossible for thousands of restaurants to hide and difficult for consumers to ignore. More than 200,000 fast food and other chain restaurants will have to include calorie counts on menus, menu boards and even drive-throughs.
Read the whole article here.
It may be a bit onerous for these restaurants to have to do this, but if you’ve ever seen those popular
“Eat This, Not That” books and website, you know that often, seemingly “healthy” menu items can be worse than things that have a reputation for being “bad for you”. In this blogger’s opinion, this step is a positive one because it will help American’s make more informed choices about what they eat. Dietary choices are behind so many of the leading illnesses in our society from obesity to cancer. The more info we have as a society, the better off we will be as we choose what to eat.