One of the best parts about online study is that you can study whenever you carve the time out to do so. And, you’re not tethered to any one particular location. For many of us that means we can study wherever we can bring our laptop. Think, coffee shop, airport, friend’s houses, etc. But, even that level of portability can become cumbersome. Particularly if you’re not keen on moving around with a very expensive laptop or other device. Yet, you can work wherever there is a machine available. Think, library, hotel business center, Kinko’s or on friend’s machines at their homes. To do this though, you need to be able to access your own files from a remote machine. This has grown increasingly simple in recent years as “cloud computing” and other technological innovations have permitted such accessibility. Here’s
an excellent “how to” article on using these new “sharing” technologies from the Hot To Wiki at Wired.com.