7 Ways Your Resume Dates You

You updated your business wardrobe and hairstyle. Don’t neglect your resume!

As some of our student readers are enterring this career field mid-life, leaving other fields behind, the article linked below offers some excellent advice.  No one has to tell folks in this transitional space that the nature of the job market has been radically changed.  Between the rapid evolution of technology and the economic upheaval of the last few years, many of the rules of the jobs game have been re-written.  This is why today’s winning resumé does not share so much in common with the resumés we all may have used not so long ago. “7 Ways Your Resumé Dates You” offers great tips on how to make sure your Curriculum Vitae is ready for action in the current environment.

4 Responses to “7 Ways Your Resume Dates You”

  1. Candy Eberle

    This is right where I’m coming from–not back into the job market after years off but switching careers after more than a dozen in a job in education and a decade at home raising my family before that. It had been a long time since I updated a resume and the market is so competitive right now (what, 6 qualified people per opening?) I really needed a lot of coaching on how to showcase my qualities, talents, and past experience to fit today’s market. Everyone should take advantage of all the help they can get in prepping for the job search.

  2. Cleann Webb

    This article immediately caught my attention and challenged me to see if my old resume was as obviously outdated as Ms. Griffith. Sadly, it was. I opened with an archaic objective, closed with “references available upon request,” and nearly fainted when my instructor suggested continuing onto a second page. Clearly, that resume was in need of some cosmetic surgery.

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