We’ve all heard them. Seemingly solid tips on how to land the gig of your dreams. “Don’t send your resume out during the holiday season because HR is slackened off at the holidays. Wait ’til January and start your hunt again in earnest.” Or my favorite, “It’s not what you know, it’s
who you know!”
Well, it would seem this advice is nothing more than well-worn hogwash. According to an article published in
US News and World Report, the holiday season is among the
best times of the year to get hired and it most definitely does matter
what you know. Should your resume be no longer than one page? Should you price yourself lower than the position typically pays in order to beat out competition? Does a cover letter really matter? All these answers and more in
this “10 Myths About Job Searching” article.
There! Now, don’t say I never gave you anything for Christmas!