This is the very type of loaded question interviewers are increasingly asking of candidates for job positions. Ah, how quaint seem the days when they used to ask you about your 3 top strengths and weaknesses. Listen, the job market is more competitive now than it has ever been. Hiring managers are forced to sort though thousands of candidates before making the best choice and they are getting more pointed in the questions they’re asking. They just don’t have the time to beat around the bush and with so many in line for the available jobs, they feel emboldened to ask more penetrating questions. Questions like: “What bugs you about your co-workers or your current boss?” or “If you’re currently employed, how do you have time to make this interview?” They’re fishing for answers that shed light on how you’d be as an employee.
Forbes magazine put out a list of ten new and interesting interview questions used by hiring managers, what they’re really asking and how to best answer them.
Click here to read it before you head out to your next job interview. You’ll be glad you did!