The ongoing unemployment problem in the US has effected many changes in the way Human Resources departments deal with hiring. With 6 applicants for every single available job, the dynamics of how an applicant gets noticed have changed. In fact, much of what was once the conventional wisdom with regard to resumè writing has been turned upside down. So
US News has prepared a list of the top 10 most outdated resumè strategies and practices. The top 5 are:
1. You must use a land line for a phone interview.
2. Your resumè can only be one page.”
3. Every job has to go on your resumè to present a complete account of your professional history.
4. Include “references available upon request” on the bottom of your resumè.
5. Include an objective at the top of your resumè.
To read the details of the thinking behind these tips and for the rest of the top 10,
visit this excellent article from US News.