Where Were You?

911-attacksOn the 8th anniversary of the horrific attacks of 9/11, the nation mourns the loss of life and the loss of innocence.  On this day in 2001, I was living in California and working in the investment industry at a private firm.  I woke up just before 6AM Pacific (just before 9AM eastern) and turned on my TV just in time to watch the second plane plow into the World Trade Towers.  Where were you when you learned of the attacks?  Tell your story in the comments.

The Lion and the King

tedjacko1In the last month, the world lost two iconic figures: Michael Jackson and Senator Edward Kennedy.   The King of Pop and the Lion of the Senate, both these beloved figures left behind a message that has at its core, wisdom for those in the healthcare field.  Follow me over the fold to discuss the thread that ties these two stories together. Continue reading…

The Importance of Sleep

sleeping1I probably don’t need to tell people who juggle online studies, work and family that it is important to make sure you carve out enough time for sleep.  We all know how spacey and “out of it” we feel when we miss sleep.  Sleep deprivation can be very dangerous.  Yet, recently, UCLA professor and sleep expert, Jerome Siegel questioned whether sleep had any correlation to physiological and neural functions.  In short, do we really need to sleep? Continue reading…

Unemployment Spawns New Gold Rush

goldpanningWith a promising future in a growth field, most Allen School students are not fretting over their long term employment prospects.  Yet the overall poor state of employment in the US driven by the recession has left many without any solid prospects in the near term.  While most will wait it out, some have taken to a different type of “prospecting” – panning for gold in California. Continue reading…

Take a Vacation – Doctor’s Orders

vacationWell it is officially the dog days of summer.  Scorching heat and in the Northeast, stifling humidity have come to call reminding us all that back-to-school time is just around the corner.  Since August is typically a big month for family vacations,  I thought it would be timely to reveal a recent study performed by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, showing that there are tangible health benefits to taking a break from your daily grind. Continue reading…