Medical Assisting at the Allen School of Health Sciences Arizona Campus: A Career to go Places!

The American Association of Medical Assistants describes a Medical Assistant as someone who works alongside doctors, usually in a clinical or office setting ( Though the description may seem similar to that of a nurse, there are some key differences. A Medical Assistant commonly handles tasks such as checking vital signs and showing patients to […] Read More

Resurrect Your Career – Take CNA Training in Phoenix

So you’re unhappy with your current career in a field you hate, with little prospect for advancement.  Perhaps you’re feeling like you’re too old to start something new and that your career prospects are all but dead.  Well, we have news for you.  Just like the Phoenix of Greek mythology you can experience career rebirth […] Read More

Successful Medical Assistant Internships in Phoenix, Arizona:

As an internship student in Phoenix Arizona, you are expected to use the knowledge you’ve gained from your training program, at the medical facility site that you are placed. An internship is the hands-on learning portion of your education, so you’ll get to learn additional skills here, as well as improve the ones you’ve learned […] Read More

Hands-on Learning Hard to Replace in Phoenix Health Sciences

medical assistant program hands on learning We always worry about national and global averages, test scores, and preparing our students for college or technical and trade schools. When it comes to education. However, we often overlook the best ways to teach our students the essential skills to advance their careers. Unfortunately, we have subscribed our education approaches to a “one size […] Read More

Can I Learn How to Do an EKG at the Allen School of Health Sciences?

The Allen School of Health Sciences teaches EKG in a 50-hour theory and clinical based lab class as part of our Medical Assistant program curriculum. Electrocardiograms are diagnostic tests used to examine heart function. Once done only in hospitals, most EKGs can now be performed in doctor’s offices by a trained Medical Assistant. It’s a […] Read More

Different types of Medical Assistants in the Phoenix, Arizona Area

Healthcare is one of the fastest growing and in-demand industries in Arizona, which makes now the perfect time to begin a career as a Medical Assistant! There are several types of MAs, all of which are vitally important to the healthcare teams they are a part of. An MA works alongside physicians and other healthcare providers to assist with patient […] Read More

Industries Cutting Most Jobs List DOESN’T Include Medical Fields

Here’s some data that reveals just how stable the medical career field is compared to the rest in an already volatile economic environment. When one thinks of fields where growth is likely to remain strong, the technology field immediately comes to mind.  After all, computers and technology – hardware and software – are utilized by […] Read More

Medical Assistant Careers in Phoenix Arizona

How can I advance my Medical Assistant career in Phoenix? Gaining experience, becoming proficient in skills, and widening your medical knowledge base are all tools you’ll need to advance in your career as a Medical Assistant in Arizona. You may decide to aim for a management job, work in a competitive area of medicine, or […] Read More