Good Resource for Job Seekers

While we’re still in a deep hole in terms of the huge numbers of jobs lost during the recession that began in 2008, we are definitely seeing unmistakable signs that the job losses have ceased.  In fact, for the last two months, the US economy has added jobs.  But we still have lots of lost […] Read More

Boardwalks Under Water?

A few weeks ago, we had a freakishly hot, early Spring day.  Maybe you recall.  It was close to 90 degrees and had been predicted by the TV weatherman.  So we decided to play hooky for a day and hit the Jersey Shore for a day of early beachery.  I know many of our NY […] Read More

Wednesday Humor: How Will This Be Billed?

OK, so you’ve heard Wednesdays referred to as “hump” day because it is the middle of the work week and once it’s over, the diligent worker has made it over the metaphorical hump and it’s a downhill run to the weekend.  Well, the Brazilian Health Minister has called for everyday to be hump day in […] Read More

File Under: Nothing New Under the Sun

I guess it was foolish to think that New Yorkers corner the market on poor subway/mass transit behavior.  With transit services being cut back due to budget concerns, the already crowded New York City Subway system will likely see even greater numbers of people behaving badly.  But guess what?  It may make you feel better […] Read More

Keeping Stress in Check

Its difficult to work, study, take care of family obligations and find time to relax.  As a result, each of us experiences stress and stress is bad for us.  It is very important to your health to get both enough sleep and to find outlets that can help us vent or otherwise mitigate the stresses […] Read More

To Land the Interview/Job: Think Inside the Box?

Standing out from the competition is always a challenge in a job search.  And, although it is said that “there is nothing new under the sun,” there are those individuals who come up with novel ideas for breaking through in terms of getting noticed by a hiring manager.  Follow me over the jump for some […] Read More

Healthiest Fast Food Joints

OK, so after blogging about the horrific KFC Double Down “sandwich”  I wanted to follow up with some information about healthier fast food options.  You know, I am not one of those folks who thinks no one should eat fast food (consider my pathological addiction to In-n-Out burgers as evidence).  So I am happy to […] Read More

Making a Difference

Students of medical billing and coding, you are entering a field that holds enormous potential for you to do good works and make a positive impact on the lives of your fellow man.  People like you who dedicate their course of study and their careers to advancing public health are to be commended and celebrated.  […] Read More

KFC’s Double Down – C’mon Now!

In case you haven’t seen it, Kentucky Fried Chicken has launched its new “sandwich” called the Double Down.  It is essentially two fried chicken breast fillets masquerading as bread.  In between is bacon, cheese and special sauce.  I imagine the name Double Down refers to the bet you make with yourself about whether or not […] Read More

More than 15 Grams and It’s Dessert!

With the legislature considering taxing so-called “unhealthy” food or beverage items as a way to raise revenues while encouraging better diet amongst Americans, each of us should spend some time focusing a little bit on how we eat and what we eat.  As I have written here before, I think it is a mistake to […] Read More