Best Affordable Suburbs in the US

Finishing studies and embarking on a new career is often accompanied by a move to a new city where one hopes to find good availability of jobs in the field they’ve chosen.  However, beyond the availability of work, there are many other considerations to be made about where to live.  In year’s past, many of […] Read More

Dems Prepare to Pass Healthcare Reform

After the President’s televised, bi-partisan forum on healthcare reform, it still seems as if little has changed in terms of bipartisan support of reform efforts.  Republicans still hew to their position that Democrats in the majority ought to start  over from scratch after 60 years of debate and the last year of contentious debate on […] Read More

Speaking 1,000 Words Without Opening One’s Mouth…the remarkable aspect of nonverbal communication.

In Argentina, the “thumbs up” and “okay” gestures we use regularly in America are considered to be really vulgar. In Cambodia, it is bad manners to meet the eyes of someone who is older than you. In Turkey, people routinely stare – at foreigners and at each other! In China, winking is considered to be […] Read More

10 Resume Red Flags

With unemployment high and so many candidates competing for so few positions, the strength of your resume is even more important than ever.  I found this great breakdown of “don’ts” at a great site for info on basic economic concepts and financial information.  While we have done resume posts in the past, this list really gets […] Read More

Know the New Credit Card Rules

If you’re like me, you probably rely on credit cards to some degree to plug gaps in cash flow between paychecks.  Most Americans are in the same boat.  US banks have been taking advantage of Americans’ reliance on credit though downright usurious and predatory practices designed to juice as much money as they can from […] Read More

Surge in New US Medical Schools is a Positive Indicator

The New York Times reported over the weekend on an imminent surge in new medical schools to open in the US this year.  From that article: “The proliferation of new schools is also a market response to a rare convergence of forces: a growing population; the aging of the health-conscious baby-boom generation; the impending retirement […] Read More

Perseverance – Drew Brees, the Saints and You

Congratulations to the New Orleans Saints on their epic Super Bowl win yesterday.  There was a lesson in perseverance to be learned through the remarkable achievement of Saints’ quarterback Drew Brees.  In short, the lesson Brees’s story teaches is to never give up working toward your dreams, no matter what the obstacles.  Follow me over the fold […] Read More

Top 10 Places to Get Ahead

Forbes Magazine did some interesting research on what areas of the US are best positioned for growth.  They compiled a list of the top 10 locations for jobs, income growth and quality of life.  With so many major cities taking a beating in this near-depression, the landscape has changed dramatically in terms of where the […] Read More

Time Management Strategies Essential to Work/Study Balance

Developing time management skills, like any other worthwhile endeavor, requires planning and then lots of practice. But the benefits of mastering your own schedule can be felt in all areas of your life; personal and professional. The overall point of focusing on time management is to become more aware of how you use your time […] Read More

Monday Funnies

Is it Monday again?  Ugh. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by school, work, life, etc.  take a second out for a quick chuckle.  Life cannot be so overwhelming when you consider that someone spent a considerable amount of time teaching this elephant to play basketball. Read More